Tuesday, February 20, 2007

President's Day Shopping = Great Deals!

I did a little final preparation shopping yesterday for those travel essentials - an iPod charger, socks, electrical appliance adapters. I found a great deal on a 2 GB disc for my camera - $29.99!!! Gotta love holiday sales! I think that between that and my 512 MB disc, I'll have room for 1700 pictures and that should just about do it!

Still need a book for the trip. I have Blindness by Jose Saramago laying around, but it seems to be more dark that one would want for a trip to Europe. Any ideas?


Acorn Lane said...

WOAH! Where did you find a 2 gig card for that price???

Jenn said...

Best Buy! It's a PNY card - $50 auto discount at the register. I was pleasantlt pleased!