Sunday, March 4, 2007

Woerden and Rotterdam with the Lodder's

Today we spent the day with Luuk Lodder, a cousin of my Dad's on his mother's side, and his wife, Connie. We were picked up at 10 AM (far too early for me - I was not my normal pleasant self just then
:-) ) and went to their house in Woerden, where we were promptly served coffee and baked goods, of course! After some talking we had a lunch of soup and broodtjes (sandwiches) and then Connie, Mom and I took a walk around the neighborhood while Luuk and Luke were supposed to take a nap. Well, Luuk takes one everyday and we thought it would be a good idea if Luke would, too! When we came back, both men were sitting up talking - apparently the phone rang a few times interrupting any possible nap, but I think Luke might have had something to do with it, too!

We then headed out to Kinderdijk to look at the windmills. I have a bit of a thing for windmills so despite seeing them practically around every corner, I was excited. This is a site of about 20 windmills and was pretty cool. I wish we were there earlier when the sun was still shining but the greyness adds to the pictures, I think.

As the rain started, we got in the car and headed to Rotterdam. Luuk and Connie had the great idea to have dinner in a restaurant that was built on the dock where my parents boarded the ship that took then to the United States 55 years ago. The Hotel New York is in the building where the Holland-Amerika Lijn had its offices, and where my parents were dropped off by their parents and friends oh so long ago. It was a fantastic idea, which Dad really appreciated. We were joined by Luuk's brother, Ari, and had a delicious dinner.

When I got home, I watched a little bit more of the World Cup Speed Skating Final from Calgary - an event that barely registers a blip on any other country's radar but here is shown on TV in 4+ hour blocks over several days. I gave up after a few of the women's 3000m races - my brain is reaching overload from translating Dutch to English as well as having to attempt to speak it beacuse my father has told everyone that I can speak it fluently after my 3 continuing education courses. Sigh... Off to bed - tomorrow we go to Belgium to see my aunt and uncle, and need to be on the road by 9 AM. I will post about the Vos family gathering soon - it's too much to do yet tonight.

Oh! And thanks for all your comments! I am glad you are enjoying this blog so far - keep the comments coming!

A canal in Connie and Luuk's neighborhood

Connie and Mom talking and walking

Crocuses in bloom!

A windmill

Several windmills

Luuk and Luke talking, not walking

More windmills

Dad, Mom, Luuk and Connie in front of a windmill

The Nieuw Amsterdam - a ship similar to the one my parents came to America on

Luuk, Connie, Mom, Dad and Ari

Hotel New York


Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer-
Waar bent de fotos van de VOS familie? Wij moet Vos fotos hebben!!!
Johannes en Elsje

Anonymous said...

Awesome you are having a good time. It is funny how you started out with little (no) Dutch in your posts. Now as you get more comfortable, its naturally there. Keep having fun!
