Friday, March 2, 2007

The War with Water (and Today - Wind)

Today we went down to Zeeland to see the Oosterscheldekering - a dam that the Dutch built across a major inlet from the North Sea as part of its answer to a major flood in 1953 that killed over 1800 people and flooded much of the southern provinces. The Dutch have long battled the sea, turning much of into land. Being the stubborn folk that they are, they weren't going to let a flood like that happen again and created a plan called the Deltawerken. The engineering behind the Oosterscheldekering is often mentioned in the plans to help New Orleans be prepared for the next hurricane. This science nerd thought it was pretty cool - the tenacity (audacity?) and ingenuity of the Dutch is quite amazing. It was a beautiful day - but waaaaaaay windy. The windmills were cranking away, and we did our best to not fall over. And yes - there were broodtje krokets for lunch!

Mom and me in the theatre with our 3D specs on

Typical windmill scene seen in the car on the way home


Acorn Lane said...

Nice pics. I love that dam. So cool that you were there. I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

I like the 3D women. They look like a couple of Spice Girls.